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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:26    点击次数:182

山东外事职业大学国际学生招生简章(2024)一、学校简介山东外事职业大学是经国家教育部批准的全日制本科高校。学校创建于1999年。2018年12月,经教育部批准升格为本科院校。2019年5月更名为山东外事职业大学。经过20余年来的发展,学校的各项事业获得长足进步,成为一所办学条件完善,语言教学特色鲜明,教育质量和办学水平不断提高的本科院校。学校目前开设67个本、专科专业,包括文学、经济学、管理学、工学、法学、教育学、艺术学等多种学科;针对国际学生开设本科教育课程。学校注重参与国际间的交流与合作,目前,我校开拓对接的对外合作项目包括美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、埃及、乌克兰、俄罗斯、韩国、日本等多个国家的高校和机构;每年都邀请部分国外专家学者来校讲学,并向国外输送优秀学生留学深造。我校还开展丰富多彩的文化活动,包括中国太极、中国传统舞蹈、书法、中国画等。同时,学校也拥有良好的住宿环境,面朝大海,背倚“福”山,环境优美。二、学生类别及录取要求学生类别国际学生分为学历生和非学历生,我校接受学历教育的类别是本科生和专科生,接受非学历教育的类别是汉语进修生、预科生。 (二)学期时间秋季学期时间:9月7日至次年1月20日春季学期时间:3月7日至7月25日(注:具体开学时间请以实际录取通知书为准)(三)申请条件1.年满18周岁及以上者;2.中国公民移民外国后,申请外国留学生身份,必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在外国实际居住2年以上的记录(一年中实际在外国居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准);3.身心健康,品行良好,无犯罪记录;4.高中毕业及具有同等学历者;5.遵守中国法律法规、学校规章制度,尊重中国风俗习惯;6.申请学历教育的学生,以中文授课的学生汉语水平须达到新HSK三级以上(包括三级)。三、招生专业及学制本科专业序号专业名称学制(年)授课语言1工程造价4汉语2现代物流管理4汉语3国际经济与贸易4汉语4电子商务4汉语5大数据与会计4汉语6应用英语4汉语7应用日语4汉语8学前教育4汉语9软件工程技术4汉语10计算机应用工程4汉语11大数据工程技术4汉语12数字媒体艺术4汉语13音乐表演4汉语14舞蹈表演与编导4汉语15应用韩语4汉语16应用外语4汉语17中文国际教育4汉语18外事实务4汉语19市场营销4汉语20金融管理4汉语21建筑装饰工程4汉语进修生和预科生序号项目类别项目时长1进修生一学期及以上2预科生一学期及以上四、国际学生收费标准(单位:人民币)(一)申请费:400元/人。待报名信息审核通过后,发送邮件告知缴费账号,上传缴费凭证,也可以直接到学校交现金。(申请费一律不予退还。)(二)医疗保险费:医疗保险费为400-800元/人(根据所选项目,费用不等)。根据中国教育部规定,来华国际学生须购买中国境内的医疗保险。对于没有按要求购买医疗保险的学生,学校将不予办理注册手续。(保险内容及理赔程序请登录查阅)(三)学费和其他:学费:序号招生分类学制学费1本科生4年19800元/学年2进修课程(含预科)0.5-4年14000元/学年3游学项目2周/4周1500元/周(团体项目可根据要求进行项目设计,费用适当调整)4备注每年学费标准都会有变化,以当年的招生简章为主其他:1教材费按照修读课程与实发教材收取2体检费由威海市出入境检验检疫局按实际情况收取3居留许可费由乳山市银滩公安局按实际收取(四)住宿学校为国际学生提供住宿公寓。国际学生宿舍为二人间,宿舍内配有书桌、椅子、衣橱、床等基本用具,还设有公共的厨房、公共洗衣机、公共微波炉等。到校后请携带录取通知书、护照到相关宿舍办理入住手续,并交纳住宿费、押金(押金600元,退宿时无延迟退宿、房卡丢失、房间物品损坏问题时退还),交费后可到财务处领取交费发票,请保管好发票以备日后使用及退款。住宿类别长期生(一学期及以上)短期生(不足一学期)双人间6000元/学期/床11000元/学年/床60元/天/床备注:若住宿条件有所变动,住宿费将有一定的调整。五、奖学金优秀的全日制国际学生可申请“山东外事职业大学校长奖学金”和“优秀国际学生奖学金”。六、申请办法与所需材料(一)申请办法1. 请登录山东外事职业大学国际交流学院网站(_s64/根据申请材料清单下载相关附件,并将申请材料彩色扫描件以电子邮件的形式发送我校,原件入学时提交查验。电子邮箱:[email protected]。2. 预录取信息将以电子邮件的形式通知申请人。3. 获得预录取资格后,通过银行汇款交纳报名费、学费、保险费,报到时领取发票。4. 学校将正式录取通知书和申请签证所需材料邮寄学生本人。(二)申请材料1.申请表2.最后学历或在读大学在读证明原件(中文和英文)3.高中或大学成绩单原件(中文和英文)4.申请人护照首页 ①办理X1签证,护照有效期需为18个月以上;办理X2签证,护照有效期需为6个月以上; ②如有中国出入境记录及居留许可,需一并提交。5.留学计划书(中英文)6.无犯罪证明(当地公安局开具)7.经济保证证明(仅限个人申请提交)8.近三个月护照用正面免冠白底照片5张(3.5cmx4.5cm)备注:1.以上为学生入学申请基本材料;入学材料审核时,会根据学生个人情况补交其它佐证材料。2.报名申请时,提交的各种证书、认证、证明须是中文、英文。如为其他语言的文件,须同时提交该文件原件及英文或中文翻译公证件。请扫描相关文件彩色扫描后发送至指定邮箱。3.申请材料不完整者,我校将不予受理。4.申请者应保证所提供的申请信息及申请材料的真实与准确,一经国际交流与合作处查证为不属实,将被取消申请、录取或学习资格。5.国际交流与合作处通过网站或邮件形式公开或发送给申请者的电子文件,均视为送达。6.正在中国其他学校学习的学生还需提供以下材料:(1)所在院校国际学生办公室的转学同意信。(包括出勤率,必须加盖公章)(2)所在院校的任课教师的推荐信。(3)护照、在华签证和居留许可复印件。七、录取和签证学校对申请者择优录取,部分专业结合视频面试情况综合考虑。录取结果将以电子邮件的形式通知申请人。具体如下: 申请来华学习签证: ①国际交流与合作处向被录取的国际学生寄发《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(简称JW202表)。 ②国际学生应当在入境前持相关入学手续向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构申请办理X1或X2字签证。持X1字签证入境的学生,应当向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆指定医院按《外国人体格检查表》所列项目进行体检。八、报到和注册1.入学报到具体时间见《录取通知书》。2.新生可安排一次免费接机。3.新生报到注册时,应提交护照原件、《录取通知书》原件、《JW202表》原件、《外国人体格检查表》原件、4张2寸近三个月护照正面免冠白底照片、交纳学费、住宿费及相关费用。因特殊情况不能在规定日期内报到者,应事先与学校取得联系,获准后方可延期入学。4.健康检查和居留许可 ①来华学习时间超过六个月及以上者,来华后须持本人护照原件及复印件、4张2寸近三个月护照正面免冠白底照片、《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查表》、《JW202表》到威海市出入境卫生检疫卫生检疫部门进行健康检查。经体检被查出患有中国法律规定不得入境的疾病者,将立即离境回国。 ②持X1字签证入境的学生,应当自入境之日起三十日内,健康检查合格后,持本人护照原件、《录取通知书》原件和《JW202表》原件及相关材料向学校所在地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理学习类外国人居留证件。九、联系方式通讯地址:山东省威海市乳山市长江路788号汇远楼314室邮政编码:264504电话:+86 (0)631-3855178联系人:王俊伟邮箱: [email protected]网址:Shandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs Recruiting Information for International Students(2024)About UsShandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs (SW) is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The University was founded in 1999 as a college. The college was upgraded to be an undergraduate university with the approval of the Ministry of Education in December 2018. It was renamed as Shandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs in May 2019. After more than 20 years of development, the university's various undertakings have made great progress and become an undergraduate college with perfect conditions for running schools, distinctive language teaching characteristics, and continuous improvement in the quality and level of education.The university currently offers 64 majors, including literature, economics, management, engineering, law, education, art and other disciplines; undergraduate and junior college education and Chinese language training courses are offered for foreign students. After the Chinese level reaches the standard, students are supported to enter relevant majors for academic education and learning.Our university vigorously carries out international exchanges and cooperation actively providing platforms for students to study abroad. At present, the university has established cooperation with more than 50 overseas universities from over 20 countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Japan and Chinese Taipei.Our university also carries out a variety of cultural activities, including Chinese Tai Chi, Chinese traditional dance, calligraphy, Chinese painting, etc. At the same time, the school also has a good accommodation environment, facing the sea and leaning on the "Fu" mountain, with a beautiful environment.International students from all over the world are welcome to come to our university for undergraduate, junior college, Chinese language program and Chinese preparatory course.FeesApplication Fee:400RMB. (When the application is approved, the account will be sent by email to the registered email address, please upload the proof of paying the application fee.) This payment can be made by bank transfer or in cash. Application fee cannot be returned.Insurance Fee: 400-800RMB (It depends on your program. According to the regulations of the Chinese Ministry of Education, international students coming to China must purchase medical insurance. Students who have not purchased medical insurance will not be registered. Please log in  for insurance plan and claims procedures)Accommodation Fee:The university provides good accommodation and apartments for international students, with a beautiful environment facing the sea. The international student dormitory is a two-person room. The dormitory is equipped with desks, chairs, wardrobes, beds and other basic appliances. There is also a public kitchen, public laundry room, and public microwave.After arriving on campus, please bring your admission notice and passport to the relevant dormitory to check in, and pay the accommodation fee and deposit (a deposit of 600 yuan, refunded if there is no late check-out, room card loss, room damage), and payment Afterwards, you can get the invoice from the financial office. Please keep the invoice for future use and refund.Room Rates (RMB/Person/Bed)Room TypeLong Term(one semester)Short Term(less one semester)Double Room6000/semester/bed11000/year/bed60/day/bedNote: If the accommodation conditions are changed, the accommodation fee will be adjusted to a certain extent.Tuition Instructure and othersTuition :No.ProgramDurationTuition1Bachelor program4 years19,800 RMB per year2Chinese language program/Chinese preparatory course0.5-4year14,000RMB per year3Study tour2 or 4weeks1,500RMB per week4NoteThe tuition standard will change every year, mainly based on the enrollment guidelines of the yearOthers:1Teaching material feeCharged according to the courses taken and actual teaching materials2Medical examination feeCollected by Weihai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau according to actual conditions3Residence permit feeCollected by the Yintan Public Security Bureau of Rushan City based on actual conditionsScholarshipShandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs (SW)“Presidential Scholarship”Scholarships For Outstanding StudentsProgramBachelor ProgramsNo.ProgramDuration1International Economy and Trade4 years2E-commerce4 years3Modern logistics management4 years4Big Data Engineering Technology4 yearsChinese language program/Preparatory No.ProgramDuration1Chinese language programOne semester and above2Preparatory One semester and aboveEligibility for Application1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good physical and mental health, aged over 18 years old, and possess a valid foreign passport with a validity of at least six months. Relevant supporting documents will be required for applicants who are under the age of 18 at the point of application and entry. For further information on the exact documents required please send us an e-mail through the contact details provided at the bottom.  2. The eligibility for applicants who hold a foreign passport but used to be a Chinese citizen, will be in accordance with Document No.12 (2020) of the PRC Ministry of Education.3. Academic qualification:Applicants for undergraduate programs must have a graduation certificate of a senior high school with good academic performance.Note: Applicants who have not graduated yet must submit an expected graduation certificate certified by their current institution.It should contain the expected date of graduation. When admitted to SW, the applicant must provide an original graduation certificate upon registration. Failure to do so will invalidate their admission offer.4.For students applying for academic education, students taught in Chinese must have a Chinese proficiency level above the new HSK level three (including level three).How to apply  Please log on to the website of the International Exchange School of Shandong Vocational University of Foreign Affairs(_s64/ to download the relevant attachments according to the list of application materials, and send the color scanned copy of the application materials in the form of email to our school.   Email: [email protected] pre-admission information will be notified to the applicant by email.After obtaining the pre-admission qualification, pay the registration fee, tuition fee, and insurance fee by bank transfer, and receive the invoice when you register.The school will mail the official admission notice and the materials required for visa application to the students themselves.Required MaterialsApplication form2. The original certificate of the final degree or university enrollment. (Chinese and English)3. Original high school or university transcripts. (Chinese and English)4. Applicant's passport homepage ①For X1 visa, the passport must be valid for more than 18 months; for X2 visa, the passport must be valid for more than 6 months; ②If you have China entry and exit records and residence permits, you need to submit them together. 5. Study abroad plan (Chinese and English) 6. Non-criminal certificate (issued by the local public security bureau)7. Proof of financial guarantee (only for individual application submission) 8. 5 photos (3.5cmx4.5cm) with front view without hat, bare-headed white background for passports in the past three monthsNote:The above are the basic materials for students' admission application, when the admission materials are reviewed, other supporting materials will be submitted according to the students' personal circumstances.When applying for registration:1. The submitted certificates, certifications, and certifications must be in Chinese, English. For documents in other languages, the original documents and notarized translations in English or Chinese must be submitted at the same time. Please scan the relevant documents in color and send them to the designated mailbox.2. If the application materials are incomplete, International Exchange and Cooperation Office will not accept it; our school and International Exchange and Cooperation Office have the right to request some applicants to provide the original/notarized written version of the application materials or the certification documents issued by the designated certification body for further inspection.3. Applicants should ensure that the application information and application materials provided are true and accurate. Once International Exchange and Cooperation 0ffice verifies that it is not true, the application, admission or study qualifications will be cancelled.4. Electronic documents published or sent to applicants through websites or emails by International Exchange and Cooperation Office and related admissions departments shall be deemed to have been served.5. Students who are studying in other schools in China also need to provide the following materials:(1) Transfer consent letter from the international student office of the university (including attendance rate, must be stamped)(2) Recommendation letter from the teacher in the school(3) Copy of passport,visa and residence permit in ChinaAdmission and visaInternational Exchange and Cooperation Office selects the best candidates and considers some majors in combination with the video interview situation. The admission result will be notified to the applicant by email. Details as follows: To apply for a study visa in China: ①International Exchange and Cooperation Office will send the "Admission Notice" and "Visa Application Form for Studying in China" (JW202 for short) to the admitted international students; ②International students should apply for an X1 or X2 visa to the Chinese embassy or consulate in their country of nationality or residence or other foreign institutions entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before entering the country. Students entering the country with an X1 visa should undergo a medical examination in accordance with the items listed in the "Foreigner Physical Examination Form" at the hospital designated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in their country of nationality or residence.Registration1. Please refer to "Admission Notice" for the specific time of entering the journal.2. Freshmen can arrange airport pick-up for free. When registering, freshmen should submit the original passport, "Admission Notice", "JW202 Form", "Foreigner Physical Examination Form", 4 2-inch passport-free photos with front view without hat and white background for the past three months, and pay tuition and accommodation fees. Those who cannot register within the specified date due to special circumstances must contact the school in advance, and enrollment can be postponed only after approval.3. Health check and residence permit ①For those who have studied in China for more than six months, they must bring their original and photocopy of their passports, four 2-inch passport-free photos with front view without hat and  white background for the past three months, "Admission Notice", and "Foreigner's Physique" "Checklist" to the entry-exit health and quarantine department of Weihai City for health inspection. Those who are found to be suffering from diseases that are not allowed to enter the country under Chinese law will immediately leave the country and return home. ②Students who enter the country with an X1 visa should submit their passports, "Admission Notice" and "JW202 Form" and related materials to the entry-exit management department of the public security agency where the school is located within 30 days from the date of entry and after passing the health check. Apply for a residence permit for study-type foreigners.Contact usAddress:Office 314, Huiyuan Building, School of international exchange, Shandong Vocational University of Foreign AffairsTel. + 86-631-3855178Contact: WangJunweiE-mail: [email protected]:_s64/main.psp山东外事职业大学国际学生的学习生活条件学校坐落在山东省威海市国家4A级旅游度假区乳山银滩,背依多福山,面朝大海,风景秀丽,气候宜人。校区占地面积2678.3亩,校舍建筑面积79.4万平方米。设有外国语学院、国际交流学院、国际商学院、管理学院、信息与控制工程学院、城市学院、护理学院、艺术学院、STEM教育学院、继续教育学院、创新创业学院、武术学院、体育部等16个教学单位。开设67个本、专科专业,形成了文学、经济学、工学、管理学、法学、教育学、艺术学等多学科协调发展的专业建设格局。一、气候条件威海市地处中纬度,属于北温带季风型大陆性气候,四季变化和季风进退都较明显。与同纬度的内陆地区相比,具有雨水丰富、年温适中、气候温和的特点。另外,受海洋的调节作用,又具有春冷、夏凉、秋暖、冬温,昼夜温差小、无霜期长、大风多和湿度大等海洋性气候特点。年平均气温12℃,最大的特点就是:冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季皆宜旅游。威海的夏季气候尤其宜人,是避暑、疗养、休闲的胜地,是我国第一个“国家卫生城市”,也是“国家园林城市”,2003年获“联合国人居奖”,被评为十大最适合人类居住的城市之一。威海风景山东外事职业大学(威海校区)主校门山东外事职业大学(威海校区)全景二、学习条件主要教学楼校园内自然环境优越且设施齐全。为了让学生拥有更舒适的学习成长环境,我校不断完善校园基础设施建设,目前主要的教学建筑设施有,望远楼、汇远楼、致远楼、经远楼、行远楼。望远楼汇远楼致远楼经远楼行远楼(二)图书馆图书馆建筑面积28000平方米,馆藏图书362万册(纸质267.3万册,电子版94.8万册),中外文报刊1000余种,重要的电子数据库33种。建有完善的图书资料自动化管理系统,配有开放的图书阅览空间、电子阅览室、信息共享空间、信息化网络、学术报告厅等多项服务设施,信息化管理服务设施完善。图书馆开放的图书阅览空间电子阅览室信息共享空间学术报告厅(三)实训中心学校设有实训中心,包括应用外国语实训中心、国际商务实验实训中心、旅游管理实训中心、计算机实验教学中心、城市工程实训中心、健康护理实训中心等8个实验实训教学中心。其中,应用外国语实训中心为部级示范实训中心,整体装备达到国内领先水平。目前有文秘实训室、电子商务实训室、ERP沙盘实训室、京东校园实训中心等165个校内实验实训室,146个多媒体、E化互动教室,205个校外实习实训基地。实训中心实训室三、生活条件(一)活动设施为保障学生的生活质量,学校提供优质的生活与住宿环境。学校高度重视师生身体素质发展,鼓励全校师生积极参加体育锻炼。学校建有400米标准田径运动场3个、球类运动场40个,体育馆、健身中心等各种体育设施十分完善,每年有多场国家级体育赛事在校内举行或举办。2017年,我校打造了全新的健身运动中心,该中心占地面积3300余平米。体育馆(外)体育馆(内)操场跑道篮球场健身中心(二)住宿条件校内建有国际交流中心,建筑面积16000余平方米,中心内有会议室、路演室、办公室、自助餐厅等。学生宿舍为二人间,宿舍内配有书桌、椅子、衣橱、床等基本用具,还设有独立卫生间、公共的厨房、公共洗衣机、公共微波炉等,生活配套设施达到较高水平。校园内水、电、暖、通讯、网络等配套齐全,为国际学生提供良好的生活学习保障。国际交流中心前台宿舍宿舍卫生间(三)饮食条件及其他学校目前现有两栋三层学生餐厅,总建筑面积22440.16平方米,可同时满足18000人就餐,设有座位10000余个,就餐窗口160余个,物美价廉,汇聚南北风味,价格区间不等,并配有学生自助餐、自选小炒及西餐厅,能满足不同学生需求;学校设有咖啡厅,给师生们提供一个幽雅、舒适的读书、学习环境,为读者们提供一个集阅读交流、创意生活、创意展示、休闲聚友功能于一体的信息交流空间,是学习、聚会、交流、休闲的理想之地;校园内校医院、超市、蔬果店、快递中心、数码通讯、美容美发等设施一应俱全。学校餐厅咖啡厅(四)学生社团从学术讨论到创新创业,从体育竞技到艺术碰撞,我校现设有读者协会、创青春经贸协会、兰亭雅韵书法社、倾音声乐团、摄影协会、美工社、滑板社、吉他社、文学社、DK街舞社、羽毛球社、足球社、动漫社等43个学生社团,目的是活跃学校学习氛围、提高学生自治能力、丰富课余生活的同时促进学生间交流思想、切磋技艺、互相启迪,更好地增进友谊。绘美画社DK街舞社兰亭雅韵书法社氘核乐队跆拳道社吉他社(五)校园风光校园是我们朝夕相处的地方,也是伴我们温馨成长,让我们热情生活的地方。校园内风景秀丽,景色怡人,明德池、泽林、文澜桥、文津桥、思源河、兼济湖等众多美丽景致被誉为网红打卡圣地。明德池泽林文澜桥文津桥(六)周边设施学校周边建有威海市立医院、大润发超市、威高购物广场、欧乐坊夜市等多个大型便民设施,周边设有机场、动车站、汽车站,给予学生便捷舒适的生活条件。威海市立医院大润发超市威高购物广场欧乐坊夜市威海机场威海动车站威海汽车站

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